Thursday, November 30, 2006

Now we're blaming Iraq???

Blaming Iraqis for the woeful situation disregards recent history, some experts argue. Phebe Marr, an Iraq expert and adviser to the Iraq Study Group, calculates that because of policy missteps and other errors, the United States bears about 60 percent of the blame. "You can't say, 'We did this and the Iraqis didn't rise to the occasion,' " she said. "There's enough blame to go around."

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

better than Google???

Have you tried the new search engine created by Microsoft?? It's give it a try, it's pretty good.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006


It's estimated that 99% of all species that have ever existed are now extinct! WOW

Monday, November 27, 2006

The mind has limited energy

Research studies have demonstrated that when people's psychological resources are taxed to the limit, they make impulsive mistakes. Maintaining discipline takes psychological energy, and when you use it up, you have to rest. Just like a muscle, when you are worn out, you need to take a break and regain your strength. It's vital to consider that the mind has limited energy, and that after putting in a hard and tedious effort, you must take a rest and rejuvenate, so you can face the world with a renewed sense of vigor. This applies to trading.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

5 Pillars of Aristocracy

1. Beauty
2. Well
3. Birth
4. Genius
5. Virtues
any one of the first 3 can at any time overbear any one or both of the last

Friday, November 24, 2006


according to Winston Marsalis when asked about Ed Bradley having soul and "what is soul?" he said "soul is when you have the ability to make other people feel better about being alive regardless of their condition."

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving to all and all a good turkey

Today is the quintessential American holiday . . . enjoy good feelings, food and love with you family and friends. I'm going to.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Bull Market 3rd phase . . . .

"Once a price history develops, and people hear that their neighbor made a lot of money on something, that impulse takes over, and we're seeing that in commodities and housing...Orgies tend to be wildest toward the end. It's like being Cinderella at the ball. You know that at midnight everything's going to turn back to pumpkins & mice. But you look around and say, 'one more dance,' and so does everyone else. The party does get to be more fun -- and besides, there are no clocks on the wall. And then suddenly the clock strikes 12, and everything turns back to pumpkins and mice."

Warren Buffett

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

FOX (Murdoch) once again prove how sleezy they are

Yes, they've agreed to not show the interview with OJ but why did it even get that far? How could something like "How I Killed My Wife" even get considered? Because Fox doesn't care about right, only ratings and so now they get to come off as "doing the right thing". Murdoch and his crew are the worst.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Household Jobs Survery

The Household Survey has become the last refuge of economic scoundrels. Whenever anyone trots out Household Employment Survey as proof of job creation, it is an admission that they are clueless hack, or a charlatan. This has been so clearly resolved that it tortures the imagination to understand WTF this is doing in the NYTimes. For posterity, I will repeat this for the umpteenth time: the Household survey IS NOT A SUPERIOR MEASURE OF JOB CREATION to the establishment survey. However, it is a reliable source of confusing data to the layperson that it can be cherry-picked by the disingenous.

What it measures is UNemployment. No less an authority than the BLS, Alan Greenspan and the Federal Reserve have said that the Household Survey is not a good measure of job creation. It was never designed to measure new job creation. For more information on this, see BLS on Payroll vs. Household Survey, Redux: Household versus Establishment Surveys and this Household versus Establishment Surveys, part 42.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

3 Reasons for Living

from an anonymous reader . . . . there are 3 reasons for living

1. To build a better world

2. To make life more interesting

3. To draw all the attention possible to oneself

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Priorities of football

It's nice to see that election officials in Ohio (ahem, still questions about the 2004 election there) have their priorities on straight. A very close House seat is up for grabs, Rep. Deborah Pryce, is ahead in her central Ohio race by 3,536 votes. In the Columbus, OH area, officials are delaying the count of more than 9,000 provisional ballots by one day so it doesn't disrupt the "much vaunted" Michigan-Ohio St football game on Nov 18. oh yeah, wouldn't want to compromise an election for a football game.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Rockefeller Tree

Did you see the size of this tree they plucked out some guy's backyard to put in Rockefeller Plaza?

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Did anything really big happen?

Nope, just a bunch of re arranging the deck chairs on the Titanic in my view. I doubt if any meaningful change in taxation, spending or growth in goverment trends will change in the next 2 years. There will be more vengeful campaigns, lots of money tossed at demopublicans by lobbyists, the Alternative Minimum Tax will not be amended, auto fuel mileage will not be addressed, nope, not much will really change . . . . . oh wait a minute. Maybe we'll start pulling out of Iraq.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Google pays for traffic? who would have guessed?

Google actually paid for traffic - $1 billion to Dell over 3 years for a crummy toolbar on Dell PCs. The numbers may work, but it's kind of like Hugh Grant paying for something he would get anyway. There may still be someone in Sheboygen who doesn't know about Google. Is search now such a commodity that Google needs to pay money to keep growing?

Wednesday, November 01, 2006


OK, I know how steroid use can be stopped right now . . . but I really don't believe anyone in control wants to stop it, they just are playing the politics but back to my solution. Punish the team, not the individual. Let's take the case of the latest guilty party . . . The San Diego Chargers. The Charger's linebacker Shawne Merriman tested positive, of course he denies it, that's the typical response. But we all know that he used steroids, heck they all do. Anyway, instead of banning him for 4 games, I say, the Chargers should have to forfeit the next 4 games. That would get some action on eliminating steroid use, wouldn't it?