Friday, May 30, 2008
Raising Margins on Oil Speculators
Now this is the way to handle the situation . . . .
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Happy BIrthday to Me
from todays calendar of quotations . . . . "A painter paints pictures on canvas. Musicians paint their pictures on silence." Leopold Stokowski
Monday, May 26, 2008
reveiw on George Soros's latest book
Sunday, May 25, 2008
U Utah Philips passed away
Saturday, May 24, 2008
in the classroom with Jimmy
time goes by . . . . tick tick tick
tick tick
tick tick tick tick
finally from the back of the classroom . . .
Jimmy: Oh teach, I don't know and I don't care.
Friday, May 23, 2008
the latest on Societe Generale and their "rogue trader"
May 23 (Bloomberg) -- Jerome Kerviel was able to amass 50 billion euros ($78.7 billion) in unauthorized futures positions at Societe Generale SA because of ``fragmented'' internal controls, a report commissioned by the bank said today.
Kerviel's direct manager was ``weak,'' and the hierarchy failed to ``react in an appropriate manner to several alert signals,'' said the 71-page report from a special committee of the bank's board. Unwinding those positions cost a record 4.9 billion euros, the biggest trading loss in banking history.
His supervisors missed the level of his earnings, cash flows, brokerage expenses and overlooked warnings from Eurex AG, Europe's biggest futures exchange, the report said. Societe Generale's management has said the 31-year-old former trader lied, faked documents and e-mails, and hacked into the bank's computers to carry out and conceal trades. Kerviel is currently at the center of a criminal investigation into the affair.
I'm sorry but this is laughable beyond belief. SoGen is so inept in it's management that it now has to resort to damning supervisors after they damned the trader. They ought to be damning themselves and the whole top tier of the bank should be fired. I still believe they knew what was going on all the time and we very happy with the profits that Kerviel was generating before he blew up.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Airlines really know how to embrace their customers
are analysts good at predicting anything?
that's a whopping BIG miss, don't you think?
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Facts on Short Selling
• The amount of trading dollars that are in dedicated short pools are tiny: About $5.4 billion That's one-seventh the size of Fidelity's Magellan Fund.
• The $5.4B dedicated short hedge funds are a sliver of the nearly $2 trillion of hedge-fund assets.
• Over the past two decades, 58% of the issues on the New York Stock Exchange have advanced, while 42% have declined -- every year.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Food's relationship to the overall CPI?
"In the U.S. counts food as only 8% of the CPI index. Whereas, it counts for about 10% in the United Kingdom, about 15% in the rest of Europe and more than 18% in Japan."
Now here's where things get really interesting. If you consider the proportion of U.S. household spending on food by income quintile, all but the top 20% of earners spend at least 20% of their paychecks on food.
Hence, what the weighting versus the reality are very different. This means that for 80% of the country's populace, the CPI weightings are dramatically understates what the average American is experiencing in terms of their inflation versus the official CPI measure.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Bush eclipses Nixon
Monday, May 12, 2008
Kids on Bluegrass at Parkfield Bluegrass Festival

Parkfield Bluegrass Festival 2008 is over but we all had a great time putting it on and working with the kids to help them learn instruments, new songs and how to perform.
go to to learn more
Grantland Rice on Golf
Sunday, May 11, 2008
How people listen to music
"I cant tell you how many times someone comes in and plays me something he wants mastered and I'll say, 'Do you want to make it slamming loud or retain some of this great sound?' They'll say, 'We want to keep it really pristine.' Then the next day they'll call me and say, 'How come mine isn't as loud as so and so's?' "
"With the Beatles or Rolling Stones, they'd be a little sharp or flat, but no one would care — that was rock. Now if someone's out of tune or out of time, they treat it as a mistake and correct it."
How does MP3 work? MP3 reduces a CD audio file's size by as much as ninety percent, with an algorithm that eliminates sounds listeners are least likely to perceive — including extremes of high and low frequencies.
What is dynamic range compression? This studio effect reduces the difference between the loud and soft parts of a piece of music — recently, mastering engineers have used it to make sure every moment on a CD is as loud as possible.
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
Consumer Credit hits record
Sunday, May 04, 2008
Money Heaven and Bear Sterns and Enron
Saturday, May 03, 2008
Vince Gill
Friday, May 02, 2008
Money Heaven
Thursday, May 01, 2008
Citigroup calling re your HELOC
this is not something I made up, many people have received this notice . . .