Saturday, April 24, 2010

Campaigners continue to lie

Just in case you thought things were going to change . . . ahem, "Back when Jerry Brown was governor nearly 35 years ago, in his first day in office, he gave public service unions the right to collective bargaining," Governor Candidate Whitman said. "Then a number of years later, his chief of staff, Gray Davis, who became governor, actually gave away the store to the public service unions."

Brown did not actually give collective bargaining rights to state workers on his first day in 1975, her campaign later acknowledged. Her comment apparently referred to a statement Brown made that was supportive of such benefits.

"Once again, Whitman has her facts wrong," said Brown's campaign spokesman, Sterling Clifford. Clifford noted that collective bargaining measures were approved in 1976, 1978 and 1979, covering different workers.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Confusing Regulation with Supervision

"The crisis that engulfed the world was not a failure of regulation, it was a failure of supervision. It annoys me that people seem to use 'regulation' and 'supervision' interchangeably when they are in fact two different things. Those who failed miserably at supervision now think regulation is the answer to everything." To which all I can say is: Amen, brother.

Bill Fleckenstein

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Inflation or Deflation

Many "experts" are worried about deflation . . . . that's not the problem. Prices of everything are going up. For example, furniture . . . click here

Friday, April 16, 2010

Jackson Metzler shooting hoops

My grand nephew, Jackson Metzler is quite active with all sports and related activities and cars and trucks and . . . here he is a home practicing.

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Gay Taenzer Kincaid 1922 - 2010

She passed in her sleep yesterday morning in Los Osos, California. What a great mom, aunt and grandmother and friend. Creative, loving and friend to all.

Monday, April 05, 2010

Michael Burry on Alan Greenspan

In his own words, Michael Burry recounts how he forecast the demise of the subprime market and how he made a fortune because of it . . . . disavowing any of the Alan Greenspan's ridiculous comments that no one "saw it coming". Click here for the NY Times op-ed piece.

Friday, April 02, 2010

Healthcare and the Supreme Court

The US Supreme Court has recognized a right to medical self-determination, notably finding it within the 5th Amendment's due-process clause.

Thursday, April 01, 2010

Think inflation isn't coming back . . . read this

Steel, I large component of many products is going up in price and you can bet that the increase will be passed along. . . if you don't own some gold yet, better belly up to the bar on buy some. It's you prime protection. click here to read the story in the Financial Times