Yeah, I know it's Halloween but it's also the day that Martin Luther nailed up his 95 theses on the church to let the Catholic Pope (Holy See) know that selling indulgences was a bad thing among others. The Reformation began shortly thereafter.
We do Luther a great disservice if we see him today as a destroyer and an anarchist. Rather, history shows us a man deeply concerned with the state of his own soul and equally concerned over a Church that had become too encrusted with financial and political concerns to do fully the work of God. It was for this reason that Luther sought public discussion on the matters that seemed to him as a cleric most to defile the Church and to leave it most open to ridicule and scorn. He drew up ninety-five distinct points that he found to be in need of amendment and concerning each of which he desired a time of public debate. Then, in a stroke of genius that would do honor to a contemporary media mogul, Luther took his ninety-five propositions or theses to church with him on October 31.
Fiddlers 20 from Fiddler magazine
[image: fiddlers20_th]Fiddler magazine has come up with a unique way to
celebrate their 20th year of publishing. They have released a retrospective
11 years ago
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