Thursday, January 12, 2006

A Million Little Pieces is a million dollar fraud

Over the holidays it seemed like everywhere you looked someone was reading Oprah's book of the month or whatever it was, called "A Million Little Pieces". Yep, my wife was reading it and so I decided to take a gander at it after she finished it. Lying by the pool in Mazatlan I quickly got the feeling that this was a hoax . . . . I mean, if the guy was that drugged out and boozed up for 20 years or whatever . . . he wouldn't have remembered his own name let alone the details of all the crap he wrote about but the real clincher for me was the part where he had 2 root canals without anasthesia . . . . huh? did you believe that part?? Yeah, I was cringing while I read it but all the time knew if was a bold faced lie . . . . . then I asked a dentist friend of mind why someone would have to go through a root canal without drugs because he was a drug addict. My friend said . . . . topical pain suppressants wouldn't cause a relapse or any problem . . . and then she said that she hadn't heard of anyone having a root canal without anasthesia. That satisfied me . . . the book was bull%#*^. I knew then the book was a hoax.

Now I feel vindicated as the whole world knows that it's a hoax. The publishing industry is now on notice that they cannot be trusted.

Most interesting point is that when Double Day first decided to publish it, the book was offered as fiction . . . . yeah. Then they decided no one was interested in it as fiction so they decided to publish it as non-fiction.

Oprah has a credability problem now too. And she's still standing behind the book's author. duh????

read about it in at

check out for more.


Anonymous said...

I would suspect that ANY book touted on Oprah would be a waste of time.

Anonymous said...

Now, now - are we angry because some of us were duped into believing this story was true. Anybody with 2 IQ points to rub together knows better. Fiction or non-fiction, it was a good read. So he took some literary license, big deal. For those who think Oprah's suggested reading is a waste of time, probably can't understand "Fun With Dick and Jane".