Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Talk about getting it wrong . . .

"Just days into his second turn as CEO of Sallie Mae, Albert L. Lord couldn't find the right words to soothe Wall Street. Lord, who assumed the chief executive's seat on Friday and said he plans to stay in the position for at least two years, called his recent sale of about 1.2 million shares of company stock to meet margin calls "embarrassing and troublesome to me personally" but not a reflection of diminished confidence in the company's long-term future." AP report

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Chuck Stearns

Chuck is the only skier in history to maintain a position at the top of both tournament skiing and ski racing at the same time. Perhaps his most remarkable achievement in ski racing was winning the Grand National Catalina Ski Race 10 times. The last time was his competition swan song in 1979 when at age 40 he finished the 52-mile open-ocean course in the record time of one hour and two seconds.

Remembering Dan Fogelberg

One of my favorite songwriters has passed away . . . . it was "Part of the Plan" and his "Run for the Roses" is over. A moment to remember the songwriter whose father was "The Leader of the Band".

Dan Fogelberg

Thursday, December 13, 2007

taxing services in California????

One way to raise revenue would be to apply sales tax to services, such as those provided by attorneys, accountants, consultants, architects and auto repair shops, Levy said.

"This has been widely discussed around the country for 10 to 20 years. We are a service economy, and we have this sales tax (on goods) that's doomed to grow slower than the economy," he said.

According to his research, California's services industry is worth about $700 billion a year, the biggest chunk representing health care.

That alone could raise about $10 billion in additional revenue to the state and local governments, Levy said.

Shocking Housing Revelation

"We now find out in hindsight it played an important role and a very dangerous role," he said. "For the first time that I can remember, you saw investors coming into the housing markets and trying to play it into almost like a day stock."

Jerry Howard, chief executive of the National Association of Home Builders, told today

Saturday, December 08, 2007

Ever check out the true production figures for oil producers, exporters, consumers and importers?

Friday, December 07, 2007

Big Wave Photo from the Central Coast

I took this photo of the big surf on Tues Dec 4 looking towards Point Sal. The "cloud break" is almost 1/2 mile off shore.

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

SC UCLA photo

an abstract photo for sure but cool.

Monday, December 03, 2007

$50 to park at the Shrine

Call me crazy but I wasn't the only one. Parking at the Shrine Auditorium parking structure was $50 on Saturday for the SC-UCLA football game. 6 stories and at least 100 cars per story and the place was full!

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Sell in May

Anyone who disputes the "sell in May" concept need only check out this graph. Thanks to Chart of the Day.

Merry Christmas to convicted felons time

Ah yes, it's Presidential pardon time. Let me put things in perspective . . . . . as of Oct 1, 2007 there were 3000 petitions for clemency filed with the Office of the Pardon Attorney (per the Justice Dept). That compares to an average of 500 to 1000 in the 5 decades since WWII. President Clinton's final years in office saw things begin to soar. President Bush closed only 18 cases in fiscal 2007 . . . . Scooter being the big winner in the small group. Bush has granted 113 pardons and commuted 4 sentences since taking office . . . . that is the lowest number since WWII except for the elder President Bush who granted 74 pardons and 3 commutations in his one term.

Friday, November 23, 2007

No Country for Old Men

The Coen brothers just can't seem to make a mistake and with their latest movie, which I saw after yesterdays Thanksgiving celebration, they're creating another masterpiece. This film will have you and whoever you see it with talking for at least an hour after it's over piecing together what happened and why. My favorite line in the film is . . . . "well, if this isn't a mess, it'll do until the mess gets here".

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Humans and Chimpanzees

Chimpanzees share 98.2% our genome.

Monday, November 05, 2007

You think Exxon Mobil is big . . .

PetroChina Co. shares more than doubled in their Shanghai debut Monday (11/5/07), giving the oil giant a $1 trillion market capitalization and easily surpassing Exxon Mobil as the world's largest company

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Bush approval - disapproval

I love the Colbert Report and found this quote about President Bush's ratings to be funny . . . "So don‘t pay attention to the approval ratings that say that 68 percent of Americans disapprove of the job this man is doing. I ask you this, does that not also logically mean that 68 percent approve of the job he‘s not doing?"

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

the Opinion is News campaign

I found this in a response to an op-ed on Huffington Post Look for the Economic Lies From the GOP Debate column by Hale "Bondad" Stewart.

"Here's the trick, Rush-bot: you have to say it reeeeal fast on the radio, then don't take any rebuttals, and go to a quick commercial, like Rush did. When you write his crap down, someone can call you on it, and you, I'm sorry to say, (as a Cost Analyst for a Fortune 500 co) just look stupid."

Boy does that sum up the "opinion is news" Fox/Limbaugh talking heads. Ever notice how when someone calls in and asks a good question, the host simply makes a quick reply then goes ahead and talks about whatever he wants to on his high horse?

Monday, October 08, 2007

Nobel Prize for Medicine - stem cell research

The scientists created a technology to genetically engineer so-called ``knockout'' mice, animals missing a particular gene, the Stockholm-based Nobel Foundation said today in a statement.

Their discovery fuels the work of researchers who study the development of embryos, the genesis of diseases or the workings of cells. The technique is used to disable or weaken single genes, illuminating their roles in disease and aging, and has produced more than 500 mouse models of human disorders such as hypertension and cystic fibrosis, which may aid drug studies.

``This is staggering,'' Capecchi, 70, said in an interview. He called the 3 a.m. phone call from Sweden ``a huge surprise.''

Capecchi was born in Italy, where he was forced to wander the streets for four years after his mother was imprisoned by the Nazis in a concentration camp. His mother found him after World War II and brought him to live with his aunt and uncle in the U.S. He completed his thesis work under James D. Watson, who won the Nobel Prize in Medicine along with Francis Crick in 1962 for their work on the structure of DNA.

Now a human geneticist at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City, Capecchi and Smithies, 82, of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, showed how a mouse's genetic information can be permanently changed, creating animals that pass down their disease traits to their offspring.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Junkbond king Michael Milken says . . . .

``The most important asset and the largest asset category in the United States or any country is human capital,'' Milken said. ``The cure of cancer is worth $45 trillion to the U.S. economy. The elimination of heart disease as a cause of suffering and death is worth almost $50 trillion to the U.S. economy. The solution to those two problems far outweighs any other economic discussion which we could have today.''

what a great take on the resources of the US

Monday, October 01, 2007

Oil for Food

More than 2,200 companies paid almost $1.8 billion in bribes to the Iraqis to win contracts, according to a 2005 inquiry led by former U.S. Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker. Eight people (in addtion to Oscar Wyatt, who just plead guilty and will forfeit $11 million plus go to jail for 2 years) have pleaded guilty or were convicted of charges stemming from the federal investigation.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Beware of your pancake mix . .

there might be mold in it which can cause you harm. Snopes says it's true . . click here

Sunday, September 23, 2007

the value of the dollar

the Canadian dollar is now on par with the US dollar and the Euro hits a new high against the greenback this past week but the real news is the peso . . . .

Two hundred twenty-two years and two weeks ago today, the United States made the peso its official currency. Nonetheless, many Americans went nuts last week when Value Giant announced that it would start accepting pesos in all of its stores on Saturday, July 14, fearing an increase in peso-spending illegal immigrants to the United States.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Live your life

"Every man should live his life so that he can be half the man his dog thinks he is."

C Wallenbrock

Monday, September 10, 2007

Owning your own home

The reason that it's good when people own their own houses is that they take better care of them, they invest (emotionally) in the local community and are concerned about schools, crime, street maintenance, etc . . . . . renters usually are ambivalent on such issues.

one person of influence once put it : "In the history of the world, no one ever washed a rented car.''

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Jay and the Americans

Jay and the Americans were apart of the first Beatles Tour in America along with the Righteous Brothers in 1964. I had the opporunity to work with Jay Black at TTG during my engineer days . . . I've always thought he was one of the most talented crooner/tenors whoever sang a song. here's some more information . . . .

With the success of "She Cried," Jay and the Americans were booked on a continuous string of one nighter tours. The constant travel and failure of the next two singles caused Traynor to leave the group to go solo by mid-1963. The Americans without Traynor sang backup vocals on Bobby Goldsboro's "See the Funny Little Clown."

Early in 1963 The Drifters (produced by Leiber-Stoller since 1959) recorded a Mann/Weil composition called "Only In America." When Atlantic decided not to release it the vocals were erased and replaced by Jay and the Americans. "Only In America" was released in July, 1963 and became their first chart hit (#25) with Jay Black singing lead. Leiber and Stoller's work with the Drifters and the Coasters caused them to turn over production of the group's material over to Artie Ripp of Kama Sutra Productions (Later to be Kama Sutra Records). One year and two singles later they had their biggest hit with "Come a Little Bit Closer" (#3). "Let's Lock the Door (#11) and "Think of the Good Times" both charted in the summer of 1965. At this time they began the second phase of their career with "Cara Mia" (#4). Beginning with Cara Mia" the group began covering successful oldies. Their next release was "Some Enchanted Evening" (#13) followed by Neil Diamond's first songwriting success "Sunday and Me" (#18).

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Baseball retiring a number

Major League Baseball has only retired one number . . . 42, that of Jackie Robinson meaning no team can issue that number to a player. Many teams have retired numbers of players who played for the team though but only one number . . . . 42 is RETIRED. read more on the number retirement here

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Honest Leadership and Open Government Act

The Honest Leadership and Open Government Act requires that special appropriations added by individual legislators be listed in an online database at least 48 hours before they come to a vote. Critics such as Sens. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) and John McCain (R-Ariz.) complained bitterly about a loophole: Congressional leaders can certify that a bill contains no earmarks, and there's no way to challenge that determination.

read more about the Act from Reason Magazine here

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

BCCI and the Bushes and John Kerry

One of the greatest bank fraud scandals occurred back in the late 80's. It originated in Pakistan with the Bank of Credit and Commerce International. These guys ultimately snared the current President's dad and guess who brought the whole thing down . . . . John Kerry.

read more here

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Townes Van Zandt

from "High, Low and in Between"

All things at our life
are brothers in the soil
and in the sky
and I believe it
with my blood
if not my eyes
I don't know why we can't
be brothers here
I know we should be
answers don't seem easy
and I'm wonderin'
if they could be

Saturday, August 04, 2007

Earmarks . . . . . huh?

I'll bet you've heard about earmarks but aren't really sure what they are . . . . . here's some info

Earmarks are funds provided by the Congress for projects or programs where the congressional direction (in bill or report language) circumvents the merit-based or competitive allocation process, or specifies the location or recipient, or otherwise curtails the ability of the Executive Branch to properly manage funds. Congress includes earmarks in appropriation bills - the annual spending bills that Congress enacts to allocate discretionary spending - and also in authorization bills.

I think we should hear about all earmarks to bills. Will the media tell us ?. . . . . doubt it.

Even the imprisonment of lobbyist Jack Abramoff and former Rep. Duke Cunningham, R-Calif., on corruption charges that included earmark abuses has not dulled lawmakers' appetite for pet projects. One recent study found that earmarks in House legislation went from 3,000 in 1996 to 15,000 in 2005.

And Obey said earlier this year that House members had requested 32,000 earmarks in spending bills for fiscal 2007.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Yesterday's Strong Close was due to . . .

"Error at the bell last night (clarification): This error at the bell last night really did contribute to the rally. Bottom line is that one of our competitors inadvertently sold 5346 too many of the SPX Sep 1450 calls and needed to cover them in a hurry. At the time the mkt was down 1% on the day.

In covering, it is likely the crowd front ran the order, exaggerating the move.

Once the move got going, the variance hedging phenomenon kicked in. Most dealers place MOC (Mark on Close) orders to hedge their daily delta risk.

If this theory holds, then they would have put in large sell orders yesterday MOC at around 3:40PM. Once the mkt started to run, their delta position would've changed from net long to net short and they would have needed to buy that much more SPX exposure into the bell. Our index trading desk predicts that for every 2 pt move up in the SPU, dealers needed to buy approx 500MM notional in delta.

With liquidity being lousy right now, that created the violent move."

this explanation came from one of the Big 5 brokers

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Steve Forbes 2005 Oil Prediction was completely wrong

Steve Forbes, editor-in-chief of Forbes magazine, predicts that skyrocketing oil prices are just temporary - and a massive price collapse will dwarf the Dot-Com crash that began in 2000. In Sydney, Australia this week for a global conference of CEOs, the respected financial editor said that the price of oil has inflated into an unsustainable and speculative market bubble - and he says that when this bursts, it will make the Dot-Com crash "look like a picnic."

The paper quotes Forbes as saying that the price of oil (which rose above $70 this week) had been inflated by speculators and would soon begin a rapid slide. "While there is a lot of talk in my country, the U.S., about the housing bubble, I think the real bubble, to be blunt, is in the price of oil," he said. "It's a huge bubble. I don't know what's going to pop it, but eventually it will pop. The price has to be brought down to earth, and when it does there's going to be a lot of yelping from the hedge fund managers."

Forbes said that speculation on oil hitting $100 a barrel was misplaced. He also believes that the price of oil will decline significantly in 2006.

"I'll make a bold prediction: I think in 12 months, you're going to see oil down to $35, $40 a barrel," Forbes said. "In the meantime, it's a huge drain, more a psychological drain (on the economy), but it's not forever. This thing is not going to last." Forbes blames the oil price spike on rising inflation and aggressive buying on the part of burgeoning Pacific Rim countries. "China and India are buying more of the stuff. As the global economy expands, more energy will be consumed," he said. "But if you look at the price of oil three years ago, it was $20 or $25 a barrel. Supply and demand might have shot it up to $30, $35 a barrel. The rest of it is inflation."

Forbes spoke to The Australian just as news was drifting in regarding the damage sustained to the oil-rich Gulf of Mexico in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. Industry observers say that energy companies such as BP, Chevron and Shell have been forced to shut down offshore platforms, which account for 25% of U.S. domestic oil and gas output.

here's a link to another Steve Forbes interview click here

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

The Earth with Two Moons?

*Two moons on August 27th!*

*The Whole World is waiting for August 27th*

Planet Mars will be the brightest in the night sky starting August.

It will look as large as the full moon to the naked eye. This will be on Aug. 27 when Mars comes within 34.65M miles of earth. Be sure to watch the sky on Aug. 27 12:30 am. It will look like the earth has 2 moons. The next time Mars may come this close is in 2287!

Share this with your friends as NO ONE ALIVE TODAY will ever see it again!

thanks to my friend Larry Fraser for making me aware of this . . . . I'll be watching.

Monday, July 30, 2007

The Greatest Living Ballplayer - Aaron - no question

Willie Mays will be the greatest after Hank Aaron passes . . . let's compare some statistics.

Batting Average Mays .302 Aaron .305 Hits Mays 3283 Aaron 3771 HRs Mays 660 Aaron 755 Runs Scored Mays 2062 Aaron 2174 All Star Games Mays 20 Aaron 24 Touched Bases Mays 6o66 Aaron 6865

want me to keep going?

At Bats Aaron 12,364 (3298 games) Mays 10,881 (2992 games) Doubles Aaron 624 Mays 523 Aaron led the league 3 times in runs scored and twice in hits, Mays led twice in runs scored and once in hits; Aaron led the league in RBIs 4 times . . . Mays never
Each led in homers 4 times

hanging in there?

Stolen Bases Mays 338 to 240 Slugging Mays .557 Aaron .555 Errors Aaron 144 Mays 156 Assists Aaron 429 Mays 233 Fielding Percentage Aaron .982 Mays .981

I'm not even going to start comparing Hammerin' Hank Aaron with Juiced Up Barry Bonds

I remember one time listening to a Dodger-Brave game back in the 60's and the Braves had the bases loaded with Aaron coming up and for the first time in my life I thought . . . . WALK HIM. Don Drysdale was pitching . . . . Hank hit it out on the the second pitch to deep center field in County Stadium.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

360 degree look at Paris at night

click on this link and see a great photo . . . be patient . . . . click here

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Bernanke on Inflation

"Delivering a speech to the National Bureau of Economic Research, the Fed chief said "changes in energy [and food] prices should have relatively little influence on 'core' inflation, that is, inflation excluding the prices of food and energy."

now that's brilliant isn't it?

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Charlie Louvin turns 80

The remaining brother of the famous Louvin Brothers is still going strong, read more here
I usually perform "If I Could Only Win Your Love".

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Madonna's carbon footprint is BIG

The News of the World tabloid, Britain's biggest-selling newspaper, detailed estimates of Madonna's carbon emissions from nine houses, a fleet of cars, a private jet and the Confessions tour, calling her a "climate-change catastrophe."

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

let's remember ROD DEDEAUX of USC

When Rod Dedeaux stopped coaching baseball at USC after the 1986 season to become USC's Director of Baseball, he left behind a record that may never be surpassed. He had winning seasons in 41 of his 45 years - one stretch, USC went 37 years without a losing campaign. HIs 1,332 wins (only 571 losses and 11 ties) were more than any other Division I coach in history until Texas' Clif Gustafson eclipsed the mark in 1994. Dedeaux was apart of 11 Trojan national championships (he had 10 of his own and co-coached with Barry on the other). During one stretch from 1970-1974 Dedeaux's Trojans played in the CWS final game each year, winning in '71 and '72.

He developed many future professionals. I once had the opportunity to ask Coach Dedeaux how many of his players had signed professional baseball contracts . . . . he mulled a second then gave me the "Tiger, has to be over 250".

He was the head coach of America's first Olympic baseball team that played in the finals during the LA Olympics at Dodger Stadiumin 1984.

And yet when ESPN aired their shows highlighting the 20th Century's "best of" . . . . sadly Rod Dedeaux didn't even get mentioned.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Michael Moore's "Sicko" reviewed

Here's the Libertarian take on Moore's new film - the review is from Reason Magazine's Michael Moynihan . . . here's the last line from the review "But as P.J. O'Rourke once commented, if Mike thinks health care is expensive now, just wait until it's free" . . . . click here

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Best of Craigslist

I'll bet you didn't know about this interesting link which someone has created to highlight the best of the posts to Craiglist, heck I didn't even know this existed but found and now you can read it too . . . . . click here

Saturday, June 02, 2007

more proof that the private sector is better equipped

CC Meyers has rebuilt the collapsed freeway ramp connecting I80 and I580 in the Oakland, CA for $867, 075! The damage was caused by a trucking company who's truck crashed and burned causing the collapse. The California Dept of Transportation estimated that it would take 50 days and $5.2 million to repair . . . . typical bureaucratic government thinking . . . BIG BIG BIG and LONG TIME. CC Meyers to the rescue again. Meyers completed the job in 17 days! and thereby collected the full completion bonus of $2.5 million. Oh by the way, one bidder came in with a whopping $6.4 million bid (who were they?). "This ain't no $800,000 project", said CC Meyers. And he proved that it. Meyers said he made one misstep telling a TV reporter it would be completed before Memorial Day weekend. It was, but Gov. Schwarzenegger had wanted to make that promise himself. "I'm not going to play games with him," Meyer's said.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

on Science

There is no such thing as consensus science. If it's consensus, it isn't science. If it's science, it isn't consensus. Period.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Real Estate slowing signs

Real Estate Disposition Corp., the Irvine, Calif., company that organized last Saturday's auction of lender-owned homes, plans similar sales May 19 in Los Angeles and May 20 in Riverside, Calif.

At the San Diego sale, houses and condos typically sold for about 30% below the previous sale or appraisal prices. In a few cases, the discounts were around 50%.
A four-bedroom home in Oceanside, Calif., attracted a high bid of $495,000 at the auction, 33% below the sale price recorded in November 2005 for the property. One condo in San Diego sold for $120,000, less than half of its previous value.


Phrasel Verbs

know what a phrasel verb is? neither did I until a friend enlightened me and then I started hearing and seeing them everyone. heck I thought that was normal language but it's not . . . A phrasal verb is a verb plus a preposition or adverb which creates a meaning different from the original verb.

click here for more

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Jeb Bush joins the Tenet Healthcare gravy train

from the click here
A senior member of the Bush dynasty is about to get a large sum of money from a company with a history of ethical violations.
Stop me if you've heard this one before. Jeb Bush, the president's brother and former governor of Florida, is up for election Thursday as a director of troubled hospital chain Tenet Healthcare. Assuming he's waved through, his pay in his first year would come to nearly $37,000 a day. This is the same Tenet that had to pay $900 million to Uncle Sam last summer to settle charges that it had overbilled Medicare and Medicaid over many years. Nine hundred million dollars.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

The Black Swan or rare event . . .

Wired Magazine interviewed Nicholas Taleb (Fooled by Randomness) after publication of his latest book on risk called The Black Swan. Taleb is one of my gurus, I recommend both of his books . . . here's some of the interview

Wired: If Black Swans are the crucial determining events in history, why do we think we can predict anything at all?
Taleb: After they happen, in retrospect, we think that Black Swans were predictable. We think that if we can explain why something happened in the past, we can explain what will happen in the future.

But with better models and more computational power, won't we get better at predicting Black Swans?
We know from chaos theory that even if you had a perfect model of the world, you'd need infinite precision in order to predict future events. With sociopolitical or economic phenomena, we don't have anything like that. And things are getting worse, not better, because the growing complexity of the world dwarfs any improvement in sophistication or computational power.

So what do we do? If we can't forecast the really important things, how do we act?
You need to ask, "If the Black Swan hits me, will it help me or hurt me?" You cannot figure out the probability of a Black Swan hitting. But if you're in a business that's prone to negative Black Swans, like catastrophe insurance, I advise you not to take your forecasting seriously — and to think about getting into a different business. You don't want to be a sucker. What you want are situations where you can have as much of the good uncertainty as possible, where nothing too bad can happen to you, and where you have what I call free options. All of technology, really, is about maximizing free options. It's like venture capital: Most of the money you make is from things you weren't looking for. But you find them only if you search.

Is one of the strengths of the American system that, relatively speaking, it's more comfortable with uncertainty?
Yes. People here aren't afraid of failure. They're willing to trade the possibility of failure for the chance at a big upside. No other country is willing to do this. What America does best is produce the ability to accept failure.

Monday, May 07, 2007

Can anyone figure this market out?

For instance, since May 3, 2006, the S&P 500 is up 14.9% while the Investors Business Daily Top 100 is up only 3.1%. Is your portfolio outperforming the S&P since May 3, 2006. Since the 4% correction of March 27 the DJIA has looked like a rocket ship going into space . . . . . . . . most are probably not but yet the cheerleaders as CNBC, et al would have everyone believe that everyone is making money because of the "record" levels being set everyday.

Friday, May 04, 2007

John Sommers . . . ever hear of him?

He wrote "Thank God I'm a Country Boy" which has appeared on over 12 John Denver albums . . .

from his website . . .

"Sommers, of course, knew of Denver, who was living in Aspen in the early '70s but was quickly rising to the ranks of a national musician. Sommers, though, had never met Denver when the singer showed up at a Liberty gig. Denver arrived in time to hear Liberty play “The River of Love,” a Sommers composition that was the only original tune in the band's repertoire at the time.

"He came up and introduced himself and said he loved the song and wanted to record it," said Sommers. "We said, 'Yeah, sure.' That was the first conversation I had with him.

read more here

Thursday, May 03, 2007


“comfort food” that is . . . for those of you not familiar with the term comfort food, that’s what you eat when you need something familiar, something that will make you feel good, something comforting.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Murdoch buying Dow Jones . . . . please NOT

That's all any of us who attempts to find objective news needs . . . . the guy who brought opinion "news" and scandal sheets ie FOX, etc taking over the venerable Dow Jones, which publishes the Wall Street Journal. Let's all pray that the majority shareholders stop this one in it's tracks.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Clean Investing

Venture capital in clean technologies has ballooned from $623 million in 2005 to $1.5 billion this past year. Is there a bubble a brewing? source Motley Fool

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Rush Limbaugh's $1,000,000 bet

I was reminded today about this . . . . Do you recall Rush Limbaugh's offer to bet $1 million that President Bill Clinton's 1994 tax increases would plunge the country into a recession? Didn't happen.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Is it about the oil??

Victor Davis Hansen writes ". . . . Yet it's the anger over the tiny West Bank that in the past caused the Arab patrons of the Palestinians to embargo oil to the West and create long gas lines in Europe and America. As a result, a single suicide bomber from Jericho earns more press than anonymous thousands slaughtered in Darfur."

read more here

Monday, April 16, 2007

Pirated Music

According to BigChampagne, one billion songs a month are traded on illegal file-sharing networks.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

A different view of our friends in Iraq . . .

George Packer has written an great piece in the New Yorker Magazine, here is an excerpt . . .
Whenever I asked Iraqis what kind of government they had wanted to replace Saddam’s regime, I got the same answer: they had never given it any thought. They just assumed that the Americans would bring the right people, and the country would blossom with freedom, prosperity, consumer goods, travel opportunities. In this, they mirrored the wishful thinking of American officials and neoconservative intellectuals who failed to plan for trouble . . . . . . . Although Iraqi employees had been vetted with background checks and took regular lie-detector tests, a permanent shadow of suspicion lay over them because they lived outside the Green Zone. Firas once attended a briefing at which the regional security officer told newly arrived Americans that no Iraqi could be trusted. The reminders were constant. Iraqi staff members were not allowed into the gym or the food court near the Embassy. Banned from the military PX, they had to ask an American supervisor to buy them a pair of sunglasses or underwear. These petty humiliations were compounded by security officers who easily crossed the line between vigilance and bullying.

a warning of sorts . . . this is a long article but worth the read
click here to read the rest of the article

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Mortgage Fraud

The Treasury Department received a record 37,313 mortgage fraud reports in 2006, 10 times more than in 2000. But the true incidence is almost certainly higher because the government gets reports only from regulated institutions, not including the nation's 53,000 mortgage-broker firms.

Friday, April 06, 2007

What's wrong at Ford???

A Japanese company (Toyota) and an American company (General Motors) decided to have a canoe race on the Missouri River. Both teams practiced long and hard to reach their peak performance before the race. On the big day, the Japanese won by a mile.

The Americans, very discouraged and depressed, decided to investigate the reason for the crushing defeat. A management team made up of senior management was formed to investigate and recommend appropriate action. Their conclusion was the Japanese had 8 people rowing and 1 person steering, while the American team had 8 people steering and 1 person rowing. Feeling a deeper study was in order, American management hired a consulting company and paid them a large amount of money for a second opinion. They advised, of course, that too many people were steering the boat, while not enough people were rowing.
Not sure of how to utilize that information, but wanting to prevent another loss to the Japanese, the rowing team’s management structure was totally reorganized to 4 steering supervisors, 3 area steering superintendents and 1 assistant superintendent steering manager. They also implemented a new performance system that would give the 1 person rowing the boat greater incentive to work harder. It was called the “Rowing Team Quality First Program” with meetings, dinners and free pens for the rower. There was a discussion of getting new paddles, canoes and other equipment, extra vacation days for practices and bonuses.
The next year, the Japanese won by two miles.

Humiliated, the American management laid off the rower for poor performance, halted development of a new canoe, sold the paddles, and canceled all capital investments for new equipment. The money saved was distributed to the Senior Executives as bonuses and the next year’s racing team was out-sourced to India .
Sadly, The End

Sad, but oh so true! Here’s something else to think about: Ford has spent the last thirty years moving all its factories out of the US, claiming they can’t make money paying American wages. Toyota has spent the last thirty years building more than a dozen plants inside the US. The last quarter’s results: Toyota makes 4 billion in profits while Ford racked up 9 billion in losses. Ford folks are still scratching their heads.

and in a story this morning 4/6/07, Ford announced they paid the new CEO $28.18 million in his 1st 4 months on the job, they also paid $8.67 million for a few months work who to another who retired in July as COO

Friday, March 23, 2007

What's a "Grain"

Whenever you hear the term grain as in a measure of some herb or drug don't you wonder what the heck a grain is? The term originated from the unit of measure based historically on the average weight of a single grain of wheat. It was subsequently set to a more precise .0648 grams or .002285 ounces.

source . . . Thunderstruck by Erik Larson

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Short Sales are Hot

``Banks don't want to be real estate managers,'' said Doug Duncan, chief economist of the mortgage association. ``The fact that delinquencies are rising means we're going to see more pre- foreclosure sales.'' read about it here

This is a good thing.

Sub-prime lenders are having no difficulty in finding buyers for their portfolios . . . Santa Monica, California-based Fremont said in a statement. The buyer wasn't identified. The loss reflects a discount to face value of about 4 percent, less than most analysts and investors had expect. read about it here

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Rethinking California's Schools

Dan Weintraub is the best op-ed writer looking after Calfornia's taxpayers and citizens agendas . . . he's written another great piece on how the legislature could best handle the public schools . . . . . read it here

Monday, March 12, 2007

Sub-prime mortgage implosion will have dire consequences

Doug Kass at The is not your typical perma-bull, in fact he's the opposite and his take on the implosion of the sub-prime mortgage market and how it will affect liquidity, spending, profits and more is a good read. It might not come true but it's worth being aware of . . . click here to read the whole article

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Government Childbearing Incentives

You just knew it had to be going on but here's some data on the subject.

Germany saw a birth boom during the first days of the new ear, attributed mainly to the government's childbearing incentives (bonuses of up to the equivalent of $33,000, leading mothers to attempt to delay December delivery until the law kicked in on Jan. 1). Meanwhile, in the United States, according to a December New York Times feature, an estimated 6% of the annual 70,000 babies scheduled to be born the first week of January were once again induced early, for late December delivery, to take advantage of tax breaks of at least $4,000 per child.

Friday, March 09, 2007

Interesting thought on God

A local letter to the editor said the following, ". . . As my father, a Navy doctor, used to say: God could have helped humanity much more by merely commanding, 'Thou shalt wash our hands several times a day.' "

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Bill Gross "the bond guru" of PIMCO's latest month newsletter is great as always

"Actually it probably is good for something – war, that is. A lot of mankind’s technological advances have been bred in the bowels of wartime – radar and nuclear energy to name a few from World War II. And let’s not forget Iraq’s Humvee with its four-wheel consumer knock-off, the Hummer! Love those yellow Hummers rollin’ down the Coast Highway – 8 miles to the gallon and all – tailgating my poor little old Mercedes and threatening to roll right over it like a Bradley tank or something. In addition, war is usually justified as a defensive move – they did that to us or could do that to us, so it’s only logical we do that to them. And so it goes, and so it goes. But aside from these seemingly logical rationalities that stir jingoistic juices in a plea for our side, and a view that our dead are somehow more hallowed than their dead, I can only conclude from personal experience in Viet Nam, and redundant renderings of history books that Motown singer Edwin Starr was right – war is good for absolutely nothing." read me here

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Did the Toll Brothers know the RE crash was coming?

or was that just good timing . . . here's a story about selling at the top (and I don't mean luxury homes) from the

"Everybody knows that Robert Toll and his brother Bruce, of the legendary homebuilder Toll Brothers are experts at building luxury homes. What we didn't know, until recently, is that they also are experts at selling shares.

Big time.

Back at the peak of the real estate market, when real estate agents and Wall Street shills were claiming the good times would just keep going, the Tolls took one look at the future ... and started shoveling shares out the door as fast as they could swing a spade.

In total, they sold nearly $470 million worth of stock in their company between November 2004 and September 2005, filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission show.

Nice timing -- for them."

If you think Stonehenge is amazing, check out Peru's 13 Towers

the mystery of the Thirteen Towers has been solved . . . . check this out here

Monday, March 05, 2007

Always consider the source . . .

When it comes to information about the economy, the markets or specific investment advice, it is always critically important to consider the source. Specifically, you need to know if the source of the information you are receiving is independent, or if the information is biased in some way in an effort to steer you toward their particular products and/or services. Likewise, you need to determine if the information or advice is credible.

Friday, March 02, 2007

Garlic doesn't help lower cholesterol . . . ?

What are they going to tell next? the earth is not warming?

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Are cellphones necessary or a convenience?

Phil Dirkx recently wrote a piece on the subject in the SLO Tribune, which is right on . . . . read it here I wrote him a letter . . . .
"great piece today about convenience of cell phones. No one "needs" to stay that connected unless they have a serious self image problem. Cellphones are a nuisance most of the time to others. The other day I was on the treadmill at Kennedy and watched the girl next to me check her phone 6 times in 30 minutes! Another time I was ordering some food at counter and during the order the attendant checked her phone, sent a text message then returned to me and asked "what was it you wanted again?"
his response was . . . .
"Thanks for responding. On two occasions I have seen men talking on cell phones while standing at urinals. Keep smiling, Phil Dirkx"

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Markets crash around the world . . men or machines?

If you need an explanation as to what happened today around 3 PM EST time read this article. In one minute the DJI dropped 200 points . . . all systems crashed and volume on the NYSE hit 4 billion shares! That's epic.

God violates local codes in San Mateo

Darn, just when I was getting ready to paint some signs on my house announcing the apocalyptic event I had just discovered when overing a "voice" in my backyard I read this story about a woman in San Mateo who is being told she can't paint signs all over her house . . . . guess the neighbors thought it was hurting real estate values.

read about it here

Monday, February 26, 2007

Oscars afterthoughts

Ellen was no John Stewart, Martin Scorcese was a done deal but where oh where was Robert de Niro (as important to Scorcese's library of films, one would have thought that he'd be there or at least some kind of video "hello")? I liked "Queen" and "Venus" but believed that the Academy would give it Forrestt . . pretty damn good performance. It must truly difficult to play yourself as Peter O'Toole has done in Venus . . . incredible film for those of us getting a little older.

Biggest mistake . . . Inconvenient Truth. This award lowers the bar for documentary films doesn't it?

Guess I have to go see Pans Labyrinth and we have Departed coming from Netflix.

The vignettes were great again and the segues from the commercials (which are now better than the Superbowl's) back into the show were great.

Last but not least . . . . seeing Lucas, Coppola and Spielberg together on one stage was terrific and they were funny too.

time for a little self service promotion . . . . . check my website
you can learn a little about my music and my hardwood lumber business



Saturday, February 24, 2007

Tax preparers aren't always that good at it

The IRS reports that 10,000,000 early filers this year so far did not request the telephone tax refund which could be worth as much as $60 . . . . the really bad news - half of those returns were prepared by tax preparers who got paid to do so. Be careful out there.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Stranded airline passengers revolt

finally someone has the ball rolling to put things right for airline passengers. just the other day I was talking with a friend about "flying" and we both agreed that it's now an everyday ordeal. the thrill and excitement of flying has gone. I dread the day I get stuck on tarmac within view of the loading gate and . . . . . nothing to read!

check out the stranded passengers bill of rights blog here

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Revolting Sounds

In a year long Internet study of 1,100,000 people, Professor Trevor Cox, an acoustical engineer doing research at Salford University in Manchester, England had participants listen to 34 sounds and rate them from bad, really bad, awful, really awful to horrible. Drum roll please . . . . . here are the top ten
1 vomiting
2 microphone feedback
3 multiple babies crying
4 scraping of train wheels
5 seesaw squeaking
6 bad violin playing
7 flatulence
8 one baby crying
9 soap opera argument
10 electicity hum

the survey is here

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Common Logic Fallacy

There's a letter in today's Tribune which I thought covered the topic of logic very well. . . . . . someone in a previous letter chose "to argue the premise that belief and evidence are contradictory. He concludes that, if evidence is presented, belief cannot exist. He has concluded his argument by restating the premise, a common fallacy of logic. The problem is that, if the premise is false, so is the conclusion.

One can have faith that an untried chair will hold if one should decide to sit. That faith maybe unproven prior to sitting, but the faith can be based on a lifetime of evidence. One may recognize the structure as skillfully constructed. One may accept as evidence the hospitality with which the chair is offered. Documents can guarantee there are no defects. But despite the evidence, until one actually sits in the chair, its only by faith that one assumes the chair will not fail.

So, one can have faith, and entertain logical evidence that supports that faith.

And then there will always be those who, like a child, will confidently sit by faith alone.

Monday, January 29, 2007

Best Advice

You can always find people but you can't always find soletude.

Friday, January 26, 2007

Help some refugee children

Toni, my bride of 30 years, has been knitting sweaters lately. When she completes one she sends it off to an organization that distributes them to refugee children.

click here to learn more

Friday, January 19, 2007

Libertarian 2007 Resolutions

click here

Art Buchwald's last column

from the Washington Post . . . here it is.

Several of my friends have persuaded me to write this final column, which is something they claim I shouldn't leave without doing.

There comes a time when you start adding up all the pluses and minuses of your life. In my case I'd like to add up all the great tennis games I played and all of the great players I overcame with my now famous "lob." I will always believe that my tennis game was one of the greatest of all time. Even Kay Graham, who couldn't stand being on the other side of the net from me, in the end forgave me.

I can't cover all the subjects I want to in one final column, but I would just like to say what a great pleasure it has been knowing all of you and being a part of your lives. Each of you has, in your own way, contributed to my life.

Now, to get down to the business at hand, I have had many choices concerning how I wanted to go. Most of them are very civilized, particularly hospice care. A hospice makes it very easy for you when you decide to go.

What's interesting is that everybody has his or her own opinion as to how you should go out. All my loved ones became very upset because they thought I should brave it out -- which meant more dialysis.

But here is the most important thing: This has been my decision. And it's a healthy one.

The person who was the most supportive at the end was my doctor, Mike Newman. Members of my family, while they didn't want me to go, were supportive, too.

But I'm putting it down on paper, so there should be no question the decision was mine.

I chose to spend my final days in a hospice because it sounded like the most painless way to go, and you don't have to take a lot of stuff with you.

For some reason my mind keeps turning to food. I know I have not eaten all the eclairs I always wanted. In recent months, I have found it hard to go past the Cheesecake Factory without at least having one profiterole and a banana split.

I know it's a rather silly thing at this stage of the game to spend so much time on food. But then again, as life went on and there were fewer and fewer things I could eat, I am now punishing myself for having passed up so many good things earlier in the trip.

I think of a song lyric, "What's it all about, Alfie?" I don't know how well I've done while I was here, but I'd like to think some of my printed works will persevere -- at least for three years.

I know it's very egocentric to believe that someone is put on Earth for a reason. In my case, I like to think I was. And after this column appears in the paper following my passing, I would like to think it will either wind up on a cereal box top or be repeated every Thanksgiving Day.

So, "What's it all about, Alfie?" is my way of saying goodbye.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Teen Sleeping

Do you know a teen that has difficulty waking up early?

click here and learn more about it

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Denying pensions to convicted legislators

The Senate passed a bill this last week that will strip away pension from any future legislators who are convicted of "white collar crimes" such as bribery, perjury and fraud. The vote was a whopping 87-0, sounds like they mean business. Let's hope President Bush signs the bill. Luckily for Randy "The Dukster" Cunningham, this isn't a retroactive law . . . . BUT IT SHOULD BE, SHOULDN'T IT?

Friday, January 12, 2007

Crude oil's relationship to gasoline . . .

There doesn't seem to be one . . . . . .
Even though Oil has fallen 33% from its Summer peaks, gasoline is selling at only a penny less than it was in December (according to AAA).

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Why is the price of crude oil falling ???

Well, the conventional story is that it's a nice warm winter but . . . . . here's the real reason : from the NY Post . . .

"It might be a better idea to thank Goldman Sachs, not the weather, for the recent plunge in oil prices. While recent balmy temperatures have certainly played a role in last week's dip in oil prices, a lesser known, but equally powerful, move by Goldman at the start of the year might bear some responsibility as well.

Goldman cut the energy portion by as much as 50 percent in some of the sub-indexes that comprise the widely followed Goldman Sachs Commodity Index, tamping down moves to buy them by large investment funds who mimic Goldman's index.

The changes took effect this month and apply for all of 2007, a Goldman spokesman said. Crude oil futures plunged 9 percent Wednesday and Thursday to $55 a barrel, before settling Friday at $56.31. The two-day decline was the sharpest since December 2004.

The GSCI is influential because large institutional investors like pension funds and endowments invest according to its allocation model."

Monday, January 08, 2007

Goodies in Google-land for California employees

In a recent report, 16 Google insiders cashed in 9 million shares last year to the tune of $3.7 billion with a state tax liability approaching $380 million (can you see the legislature angling how to spend it?). This amount will pay the salaries for more than 3,000 state workers. New governor Arnold is also happy to be the recipient of the windfall (well, he doesn't get it but he gets to spend it).