Monday, February 26, 2007

Oscars afterthoughts

Ellen was no John Stewart, Martin Scorcese was a done deal but where oh where was Robert de Niro (as important to Scorcese's library of films, one would have thought that he'd be there or at least some kind of video "hello")? I liked "Queen" and "Venus" but believed that the Academy would give it Forrestt . . pretty damn good performance. It must truly difficult to play yourself as Peter O'Toole has done in Venus . . . incredible film for those of us getting a little older.

Biggest mistake . . . Inconvenient Truth. This award lowers the bar for documentary films doesn't it?

Guess I have to go see Pans Labyrinth and we have Departed coming from Netflix.

The vignettes were great again and the segues from the commercials (which are now better than the Superbowl's) back into the show were great.

Last but not least . . . . seeing Lucas, Coppola and Spielberg together on one stage was terrific and they were funny too.

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