Monday, July 14, 2008

Do we have a smaller government?

I keep asking my demopulican friends about the number one concern for our great nation . . . . is the government getting smaller or larger? George W. Bush ran on the "I'll reduce the size of government" pledge way back in 2000 . . . he failed on that pledge within months of taking office and we all know how much government has grown over the last 8 years . . . . . so it shouldn't be any surprise to us neysayers when we see that now the government is going to be the defacto holder of last resort for half of the Trillion dollar outstanding mortgage porfolio held by Freddie and Fannie by "helping" them through their cashflow problems. Now, mind you, the government says this is only a temporary thing . . . . . yeah, right. We heard that language before haven't we.

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