Friday, May 22, 2009

Investing according to Doug Kass - Seabreeze Partners

Rather, I prefer to stick to the discipline of interpreting fundamentals, valuation and sentiment through a logically reasoned, objective and analytical process. This means that I maintain the self-control of sitting on my hands, selling and/or shorting when values are rich and buying (even recklessly sometimes) when values emerge as they did two months ago.

This is, however, easier said (or written) than done. It requires patience and, at times, a variant or contrarian view and strength of analytical conviction. It often also requires one to ignore the business media's staccato repeated sound bytes of bullish breathlessness. Their intentions might be honorable, but quite frankly, the media, with few exceptions, have no or little skin in the game. And it often requires market participants to ignore the delivery of the talking heads whose platform is the media and whom are too frequently theatrical and shallow in their "advice" rather than substantive in their analysis.

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