Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Taxaholics take note

Two recent newspaper stories underscored a problem several states are experiencing--stagnant or falling populations. The New York Times ran a piece about young people fleeing the Green Mountain State of Vermont for greener pastures, citing the lack of job opportunities. Around the same time, the Des Moines Register ran a special section on Iowa's population problem. A century ago the Hawkeye State was home to 3% of the U.S. population; today it's home to just 1%. Young people have been leaving in droves for decades. Both stories cited experts and politicians who offered up various solutions to stem the tide, yet both papers ignored the proverbial elephant in the room: taxes. These two states are punishers when it comes to laying levies on income. In Iowa the top income tax rate is nearly 9%, one of the highest in the country. In Vermont it's even worse, 9.5%.

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