Tuesday, December 09, 2008

The strange case of the Hudson Bay Company at Fort Yukon

When American surveyors got around to checking boundaries between Canada and US territories in 1869 they found that the Hudson Bay Company's post at Fort Yukon was in fact in Alaska! Kind of embarrassing so an agreement was worked out whereby the company and it's employees would simply move the store a few miles east to get them back onto Canadian soil . . . . ahem, the team of American's and Canadians did a good job of moving the post the number of miles calculated to accomplish the task but unfortunately they did it along the bank of the Porcupine River, not as the crow flies . . . the new store was setup and operating when along came a new set of surveyors who found they were still on American soil. What a mess . . . . so they moved again and left Old Rampart to begin again at Rampart House safely on Canadian soil. Learn more about the HBC click here

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